Sobre nosaltres


arrow A Garraf Quality Properties som professionals de la propietat amb àmplia experiència en lloguer, compra, i lloguer d'estiu en la zona de Vilanova i la Geltrú, Sitges, Sant Pere de Ribes, Cubelles, Olivella i Canyelles.


arrow Hem treballat amb béns immobles i propietats a la comarca del Garraf durant molts anys.Cuidem dels nostres clients i ens sentim orgullosos de la qualitat del nostre servei.


arrow Si vostè és un propietari que busca llogar la seva propietat a llarg termini, o un venedor que busca tenir la seva propietat a la venda en l'agència més proactiva a Vilanova i la Geltrú i els seus voltants, pot comptar amb Garraf Quality Properties.


arrow Si necessita llogar una propietat a llarg termini, a curt termini o fins i tot un lloguer de vacances, estarà en bones mans amb nosaltres. Els nostres clients ens recomanen per la nostra experiència i compromís en la compra de cases, apartaments o vil·les.


arrow Tant si desitja comprar o llogar una casa de vacances, comprar una propietat d'inversió o llogar una nova residència en la zona del Garraf, ha visitat la pàgina correcta.




GQP was created by Leon Nicholson and Miren Jone Fernandez.

Having both worked and forged their careers in property they knew if they combined their skills and knowledge they could create a dynamic and quality property company specialising in sales and home sales in the Garraf Area, Barcelona and the surrounding areas.


Has extensive experience in long term rental and sales area within the very competitive English market and he had his own estate agency in Bournemouth and Poole. Working in a high volume and high priced area of the UK, bearing in mind the land values in Sandbanks, Poole and Dorset are the 5th highest in the entire world.

Leon has over 20 years expertise in the property markets ranging from corporate companies to building his own from the grass roots. So with a wide and varied experienced background it suits to be in an area such as Sitges.


Has spent the last 6 years working in the demanding role of Property Manager for a large holiday rental company here in Sitges. Dealing with everything from the running of high end villas, to the daily logistics of maintenance and day to day running of the company. Miren is qualified with 2 degrees in Marketing and Tourism which fit in well with the roles of this venture.

The language skills Miren has are second to none, being from Basque country she naturally speaks Basque and Spanish, she has another two languages which are English and Catalan which are invaluable in this multi-national market in Sitges.

After investigation, we found that there is a gap in the market for a company like ours, which has all the benefits of a multi-national experienced team who wish to provide quality properties and quality services to the people of Vilanova i la Geltru, Sitges, San pere de Ribes, Cubelles, Olivella and Canyelles.

We are focused on our client’s and the customer’s needs, which are the driving force in our business, so the need to continually improve is imperative for us at GQP.

We are striving to be recognised for our quality services and quality properties. We are aiming to have 100% client satisfaction and a continued growth of goodwill.

We want GQP to be the market leader for property sales and lettings within Sitges and the surrounding areas, and importantly be renowned for the high quality service we provide.

We don’t want to be the Biggest, we want to be the Best…

Our business concept is to provide a streamlined and professional service in the housing market in the Garraf area whether it be, New homes, Sales, or Rentals.

What are GQP´s Principles?

  • Transparent
  • Respectful
  • Have Integrity
  • Being Honest
  • Be Direct
  • Hard Working
  • Professional

Not the Biggest, but the BEST... Garraf Quality Properties, GQP

 Vilanova I la Geltrú


Somos una empresa con moral y ética¿Qué significa?

Nosotros queremos reflejar que somos un equipo con personalidad propia y que nos comprometemos con todo lo que decimos desde el primer segundo.  



  •  Te acompañamos hasta el final
  • Nos ponemos en tu piel


GQP; com no sempre trobes, una inmobiliaria ètica.

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